This is a private internet site, free of charge,
without any commercial intention. Just plain hobby.
Visiting this site does not leave any trace. Neither cookies, trackers, nor adsense are used. There are no costs involved, except the costs for the internet access. Flat rate is highly recommended.
Only technical data is collected for the purpose to tune the server load and performance. This data is completely anonymous. (Click here for sample).
Copyright 2019
Dieter Giersch
Stolzenthalstr 24
DE-63628 Bad Soden-Salmuenster
+49 6056 499 777
My recommendation is, not to use home page creators, offered by many domain providers. It would mean to be bound to that particular provider, without the possibility to simply switch to another one. Alle pages would have to rebuilt completely. This OpenElement is much more flexible and faster to handle, and it creates universal, to any domain portable HTML/CSS code.
These websites have been built with these really great tools: